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Did you know that the main reason people do not want to quit smoking is that they do not know the answer to the question, "Does nicotine make you lose weight?" It is very easy to lose weight and maintain a healthy body weight after quitting smoking. Smoking is very difficult to quit and many times it is said that quitting is twice as hard as doing it! When someone has this mindset, they are doomed to stay a smoker for the rest of their life. Many of these smokers will go on a detoxifying program in order to get rid of the physical addiction to nicotine. Nicotine is a drug that is highly addictive, and it can be extremely difficult to break the habit. Smoking is a habit that a person develops over time. These habits become habitual and the brain becomes used to the effects of nicotine. When a person stops smoking, they have a huge amount of emotional baggage to deal with as well. People that smoke do not feel good about themselves in the first few weeks after stoppin...

Lose Weight Fast With Adriene Exercise Videos

Yoga is considered one of the most ideal ways for a person to shed off excess fat. There are a number of people who think that yoga is just a mere gimmick which can do nothing to help them get slim. Some people think that it works but others might believe that it's just a trick. Scientists have found that there exists a very strong link between yoga and losing weight (4).

yoga to lose weight

Inhale: The first part of yoga is the yoga asana or exercise. It mainly consists of various poses that focus on breathing techniques and stretching. During yoga asana, inhale should come from the diaphragm and the exhalation should come from the stomach. Also, do not forget to inhale the air from the nose while the exhale should come out from the mouth. Inhale is used to increase the rate of metabolism in order to burn more calories.

Breath: The second important part of yoga practice is pranayama or regulated breathing. The purpose of pranayama is to enhance the oxygen intake and expenditure and improve the performance. It is considered to be one of the best exercises for improving the functioning of the body organs. According to studies, it improves the digestion, increases sweating and lowers blood pressure. So, it is very useful in controlling weight. It's advisable to practice pranayama twenty-four times a day for two to three months for achieving the results.

Targeted Yoga: This type of yoga usually involves a series of sequences that target certain areas of the body. These sequences are meant to improve certain functions like strength, flexibility and stamina. It is one of the best ways to workout without making much effort. Most of the times, these sequences take about half an hour per session. For burning calories, this is the perfect workout option as it has multiple poses that work different muscles simultaneously.

Shoulder & Back Stretch: Among all the other postures, shoulder & back stretch is the most popular. This helps to stretch out the outer and inner muscles of the shoulders and backs. There are various benefits of this yoga routine that makes it very popular. Mainly, it helps to increase range of motion of the shoulders and back as well as tones them up.

Camel & Shoulder Twist: This yoga routine is another very effective one that targets abdominal muscles. The basic aim of this pose is to twist the pelvis by bringing the shoulders back. By bringing the shoulders back, it will help to reduce excess fat that is stored on the pelvis and abdomen area. Apart from reducing excess fat on the stomach area, using yoga regularly will also reduce excess fat on the thighs, buttocks, and legs as well. So, aside from losing weight, you can also improve your appearance!

Vinyasa & Power Stretch: Vinyasa is a flowing kind of yoga which requires a lot of energy. Many people do not have enough energy to perform the more difficult yoga postures. But, with yoga practice, you can develop your own strength and stamina to last even in your busiest times. The application of strength and stamina will work up a sweat and while doing so, you will be able to burn calories and lose weight at the same time. So, aside from helping you to lose weight, it will also help you improve your energy level, which means, you can do more things and activities with greater confidence.

All the poses in Adriene exercise are very challenging but not strenuous at all. There is no point in doing this for weeks on end just to get the best result. The combination of these advanced poses along with the calming breathing techniques will certainly lead you to a healthy lifestyle. So, what are you waiting for? Try out these simple but effective techniques to lose weight and keep it off by using Adriene exercise videos.


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